Scientific research shows that people respond most to the color red. Anything red immediately catches your attention, and it’s more memorable. Red stands out, it’s exciting, and it evokes a sense of sensuality, lust, desire. Birds in the wild display red plumage or bare their red chest when attracting mates. A tree filled with red apples, or a bush blossoming with red roses, immediately captures your attention and draws you in. So when it comes to the topic of lingerie, we’re not surprised that most if not all men and lesbians alike are enticed by the classic red bra and panties pairing. No other color comes close to creating desire. If we had to choose, white would come in a close second to red, followed by black, as the two other sexy colors that lingerie comes in. From there, you have the more wild patterns like the zebra or leopard print. Pink is sexy too, but technically pink is just a light red. So ladies, if you want to sex it up for your man (or have a Sapphic interlude with a close girlfriend), choose red lingerie. You probably already know this, but now you can take comfort in the fact that it’s scientifically proven.
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